
yrammuS 要概105Yosi Agustina HIDAYAT106Azzania FIBRIANIReverse Supply Chain Conceptual Model to Reduce Plastic Packaging Waste as Result of Increasing e-Commerce Sales during COVID-19 Pandemic(Project 2021)Isolation and Characterization of ACE2-like Enzyme from Endogenous Indonesian Microorganism in Fermented Food as an Alternative Treatment for COVID-19(Project 2021)75Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia reported on 2020 that plastic waste is the second largest municipal waste in Indonesia. Moreover, they also found that the plastic production and consumption in Indonesia are expected to grow significantly in the future. They predicted the plastic consumption would grow two until four times within 15 years. They also explained that the most common used of plastic product is plastic packaging. Plastic packaging will grow along with its applied industry, include plastic packaging for personal care and home-health care. To reduce the plastic waste generation, one of the efforts is reuse and refill. This study focused on the understanding of customer preference on refill service provider of personal care and home-health care. This study is a continuation of the initial stage for reverse logistic conceptual model to reduce plastic packaging. This study found that the respondents tend to buy the bottled product for first purchasing and the refill pouch packaging for the re-purchasing. This behavior is similar to the reuse and refill service concept, but the reuse and refill concept has more advantage with a small number or no plastic packaging. This study also found that 99% of respondents are willing to try the reuse and refill service. In addition, 18.74% of the respondents tell that they will use the refill service even without promo. Although, around 61.13% of the respondents tell that they will purchase more if there is any promo applied. This research also found that the most preferred brands give opportunity to the refill service provider and the principal company to construct strategic partnership.ACE2 and S1 SARS-CoV-2 interaction leads to accumulate Ang-II in COVID-19 patients. It is known that bacterial M32-carboxypeptidase can act as ACE2-like enzyme and reduce plasma Ang-II levels in mice. ACE2-like enzymes can be found in food-fermenting bacterial genome. This study aims to isolate ACE2-like enzyme gene from Indonesian traditional fermented-food bacteria and examine their inhibitory activity against ACE2-S1 SARS-CoV-2 interaction. Fermented-foods were collected from Bandung traditional market, West Java, Indonesia. The bacteria were isolated and grown in selective MRS media, furthermore they were screened for hydrolysis activity against Nma-His-Pro-Lys(Dnp). The selected isolates identified by 16s rRNA sequencing method. Subsequently, recombinant ACE2-like enzyme expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) confirmed by sequencing, substrate hydrolysis activity, and visualized through SDS-PAGE. Inhibitory activity of the recombinant protein against ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 binding were determined by in vitro and in silico analysis. As many as three out of 38 isolates derived from seven fermented-food exhibited ACE2-like enzyme activity. The 16s RNA results confirmed that those isolates were Bacillus cereus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, and Lactobacillus fermentum. However, only B. cereus encodes M32-carboxypeptidase gene (BceCP). The recombinant BceCP was successfully transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3), however it was a truncated-protein. Compared with the native full-length, this recombinant truncated-protein had lower substrate hydrolysis activity. Nevertheless, its inhibitory activity against ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 binding interaction remains observed either in vitro or in silico. Full-length BceCP is believed to serve as an ACE2 "receptor mimic" that blocks the entry virus to human cells and reduces Ang-II levels in COVID-19 patients.

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