
yrammuS 要概110Ramadhani Eka PUTRA111Husna NUGRAHAPRAJAApplication of local domesticated bees as pollination agent of some economically important crops of West Java : Impact of productivity and economics of the small-holder farmers(Project 2021)Response of Microbial Community Structure and Dynamics of Black Soldier Fly Organic Waste Treatment using Omics Technology Approach(Project 2021)77Studies showed the dependence of the agricultural system on various ecosystem services. The impact is more prevalent in small-holder farmers, a dominant farmer group of West Java. One ecosystem service that directly impacts the farm’s productivity is pollination. Reduction in pollination service can lower the quantity and quality of the fruit produced. However, the indiscriminate usage of chemical pesticides and the loss of wild plants reduced the availability of wild pollinators. This study showed the importance of wild insect pollinators for small-holder farmers as they ensure the pollination success of the crops. Moreover, the diversity of insect pollinators also significantly affects pollination success due to the variation of active periods and the ability to transfer pollen to the stigma. The introduction of domesticated bees as pollinators could improve pollination success. However, significantly large numbers of domesticated bee colonies are needed to provide complete pollination services if wild pollinators are missing, which may cause a burden for small-holder farmers.Food waste is the most widely produced type of waste in the world. Researchers have made various efforts in processing waste, one of which is using Hermetia illucens larvae (Black Soldier Fly / BSF). BSF larvae can convert organic waste into biomass, improve aeration, produce degradation enzymes of organic compounds, and affect the composition of microbes in composting waste. The research aims to determine the profile of microbial communities in food waste processed with BSF larvae using a metagenomic approach from 16S rRNA (V3-V4) and ITS (ITS2) sequences. DNA was sequenced using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Illumina ™ and produced about 372,958 and 317,436 reads on 16S rRNA and 538,686 and 424,840 reads, respectively. The 16S rRNA and ITS sequences were analyzed using Mothur v.1.42.3 and R programming language v.4.0.3. The results of relative abundance in leachate water were dominated by the genus Pseudomonas (40.7%), whilst solid waste samples were dominated by the genus Rhodopirellula (29.6%). The presence of Pseudomonas in leachate water is thought to come from the early stages of composting solid waste. In leachate water samples, the relative abundance of fungi is dominated by the genus Aspergillus (52.5%). Solid waste samples are dominated by the genus Aspergillus (64.3%), a genus of fungi commonly found in the composting process. Analysis of bacterial alpha diversity using the Shannon index showed values of 2.08 for leachate water samples and 4.05 for solid waste samples. Shannon’s index for fungi diversity showed values of 2.86 in leachate water samples and 2.25 in solid waste samples. Bacterial diversity is higher than fungi due to temperature and substrate willingness on compost. These data give us deeper insight into the role of microorganism metabolism in the composting process with BSF larvae.Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2022)

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