yrammuS 要概34ration). Furthermore, we found that the molecular and cellular basis of spatial discrimination is the regulation of the mature spine (Ageta-Ishihara et al., in preparation). In this study, we aimed to search for chemical com-pounds that enhance spatial discrimination in an effort to develop a novel therapeutic agent for dementia. As a result, we were able to obtain compounds that are candidates for the regulation of PKA signaling.栄養状態や腸内細菌叢などに起因した末梢組織からの信号は脳機能や行動に影響を与えるが,それに関わる分子やその作用機構はまだ不明な点が多く残されており,理解を深めることで精神疾患や認知症などの原因解明や治療に役立つ可能性がある.本研究では,単純な神経系を持つ線虫C. elegansを用いた包括的な解析により神経系に作用を及ぼす新しい代謝産物の同定を目指した.また,遺伝学的な解析により細菌応答に関わることが知られるSAPK (stress-activated protein kinase)経路による線虫の学習能の調節機構の解明を目指した.本研究と過去の知見を統合した考察から,細菌由来のアセチルCoA及びスペルミジンが線虫の学習能に影響を与える可能性が示唆された.また,線虫SAPK経路の神経系における機能が学習能に影響を与えることが明らかになった.It has been known that signals from the peripheral tissues affect brain functions and behaviors dependent on nutritional conditions and gut microbes. However, little is known about molecules that affect brain functions from periphery and their regulatory functions. Better understanding of them will help to elucidate the causes and treatment of mental disorders, dementia and other disorders. In this study, we aimed to identify novel me-tabolites that affect the nervous system functions by comprehensive analyses using the nematode C. elegans with a simple nervous system. We also performed genetic analyses of the SAPK (stress-activated protein ki-nase) pathway in the regulation of learning ability in C. elegans. Based on our experimental results and previ-ous findings, we propose that acetyl CoA and spermidine, which are derived from bacteria, affect learning ability in C. elegans. Further, we find that functions of the SAPK pathway in the nervous system affect learn-ing ability in C. elegans.配向成長したカーボンナノチューブ(CNT)を下地層として,PLD法によりBaTiO3/Fe3O4の交互積層薄膜を作製した.CNT上にFe3O4層のみ堆積させた試料では,Verwey転移が見られ,多結晶性Fe3O4薄膜となった.積層薄膜における磁化測定の結果,BaTiO3相の構造相転移に対応する温度において,明確な磁化のギャップを観測した.これは両相間の強い結合を示すと考えられ,電気磁気効果を発現することが期待できる.石英ガラス基板上に堆積した多層膜における磁化のギャップは極めて小さいことから,CNT上に成膜した多層膜が有望なマルチフェロイック複合材料となる可能性を示した.BaTiO3/Fe3O4 multilayer thin films were prepared on substrates with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a base lay-er by PLD method. The magnetization measurements of the multilayer films showed clear magnetization gaps 富岡 征大Masahiro TOMIOKA中嶋 聖介Seisuke NAKASHIMA動物と微生物の相互作用による脳機能の調節機構(2019採択)Regulatory mechanisms of brain function by interactions between animals and microbes(Project 2019)炭素材料の合成プロセスを利用した鉄酸化物柱状ナノ構造の作製とマルチフェロイクス材料への応用(2020採択)Fabrication of Fe-oxide nano-pillar structures using a synthetic process of carbon materials and application for maltiferroic materials(Project 2020)25Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)
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