yrammuS 要概tal information. Specifically, we succeeded in constructing DNA gel capsules using the self-assembly of DNA gels at the water-in-oil (W/O) droplet interface, RNA sensing by DNA droplets, and the construction of uni-form-sized DNA gels and droplets. In the future, we believe these technologies can be applied to the biomedi-cal field and the construction of novel information devices.近年,光を用いた選択的なタンパク質活性制御法が開発され,生命現象への時空間精度の高い介入実験が可能となってきた.一部の手法は副作用の少ない新たな非侵襲治療法として臨床応用されることも期待される.ところが,このような手法に用いられる刺激光は可視光〜近赤外光であり,組織透過性に限界がある.効率よく体外から遠隔的にタンパク質活性を光操作することは未だ困難であり,それを可能とする新手法の開発が待たれている.一方,シンチレータはX線照射により可視光波長の発光を示す物質である.私たちは,体外からX線を照射して予め生体組織内に埋め込んだシンチレータから可視光を放出させることで,生体深部の光感受性タンパク質を遠隔的に活性化できるのではないかと考えた.そこで,本研究では,光遺伝学が発展した神経科学分野において,「X線光遺伝学」と名付けた本手法の概念実証を行った.様々な条件検討を経て,X線照射により生体マウス脳内の特定神経細胞の活動を操作し,その神経細胞が関わる行動を変化させることに成功した.Recently, biomedical technologies that can control the activity of selective proteins using light have been de-veloped, enabling interventional experiments with high spatiotemporal precision. Some of these methods are expected to be clinically applied as new non-invasive treatment options with minimal side effects. However, the stimulating light used in these methods is visible or near-infrared light, which has limitations in tissue penetration. Efficient remote control of protein activity through light irradiation from outside the body re-mains challenging, and the development of new methodologies that enable it has been awaited. On the other hand, scintillators emit visible light when exposed to X-ray radiation. We hypothesized that irradiating X-rays from outside the body and inducing visible light emission from scintillator particles implanted in living tis-sues might remotely activate light-sensitive proteins in deep tissues. In this study, we attempted to demon-strate the feasibility of this methodology, named “X-ray-mediated optogenetics,” in neuroscience, where opto-genetics has advanced. After lots of trial and error, we could eventually manipulate the activities of specific neuronal populations in living mice and modify specific behaviors in which these neurons are involved.山下 貴之X線を用いた細胞機能操作法の確立と応用53Takayuki YAMASHITA(2020採択)Establishment and application of a technology that can control cellular functions using X-rays(Project 2020) 51Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)
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