
yrammuS 要概超熱輸送は極めて大きな熱輸送をひきおこす量子現象であり,ながらく取扱いや実用性に優れた物質での報告は無かった.近年,無機磁性体TlCuCl3において磁性源の電子スピンがマグノンBECを起こし超熱輸送を想起させる結果が報告された.一方,有機磁性体であるフェルダジル系化合物は磁場誘起マグノンBECの報告が多数されており,超熱輸送材料探索において魅力的な物質群である.本研究では超熱輸送の実現を目指して新規有機磁性体を開発し,磁気状態を外部パラメータ(磁場や温度)によって制御可能であるかを磁気・熱測定から評価した.また,有機磁性体3-Cl-4-F-Vにおける磁場中熱輸送を熱伝導度測定から評価し,磁場スイッチング機能性を明らかにした.Superheat transport is a quantum phenomenon that causes extremely high heat transport, and has not been re-ported in materials with excellent handling and practicality for a long time. Recently, in the inorganic magnetic material TlCuCl3, it has been reported that electron spins induce the magnon BEC which is reminiscent of su-perheat transport. On the other hand, the magnon BEC induced by a magnetic field has been reported in sever-al verdazyl-based organic magnetic materials, which are an attractive material group in the search for super-heat transfer. In this study, we synthesized new organic magnetic materials to realize superheat transport and evaluated whether the magnetic state could be controlled by external parameters such as magnetic field and temperature through magnetic and thermal measurements. We have also revealed the magnetic field switching function of the heat transport in 3-Cl-4-F-V by the thermal conductivity measurement in a magnetic field.本研究の目的は,2探針を用いたナノスケール熱輸送解析技術を確立することであった.まず2探針が独立してAFM駆動するデュアルAFMシステムを構築し,近接場光学系に組み込むことによって2探針による同時近接場測定を実現した.探針同士の距離は100nm以下まで接近可能であり,信号を独立して検出可能である.2探針測定の一環として熱伝導領域(NiCr)を持つシンプルな加熱試料を作製し,熱伝導領域において6.5µmの距離で2探針を試料に近接させて熱流束の測定に成功している.加えて,空間分解能10nmに向けてCNT探針を導入し,AFMとしては空間分解能10nmを達成している.熱検出については空間分解能10nm達成まで到達していないものの,20nmまで達しており,近い将来の実現が大いに期待できる結果となっている.The purpose of this study was to establish a nano-scale heat transport analysis technique using two AFM probes. First, a dual AFM was developed and was incorporated into a near-field optical system to achieve si-multaneous near-field measurement using two probes. A simple heated sample with a heat-conducting region (NiCr) was fabricated and the heat flux was successfully obtained by two probes at a distance of 6.5µm in the heat-conducting region. In addition, a CNT tip was introduced to achieve a spatial resolution of 10nm for AFM. Although the spatial resolution of 10nm has not been achieved for heat detection, 20nm has been achieved, and the results are very promising for the near future.岩﨑 義己68Yoshiki IWASAKI梶原 優介69Yusuke KAJIHARA有機磁性体における超熱輸送とスイッチング機能性の探索(2022採択)Investigation of the superheat transport and switching functions in organic magnetic materials(Project 2022)Dual-probeパッシブ近接場顕微鏡によるsub-10nm分解能熱輸送解析(2022採択)Heat transfer analysis with sub-10nm resolution using a dual-probe passive near-field microscope(Project 2022) 59Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)

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