yrammuS 要概建築物の劣化現象の多くは,雨水の移動現象に影響を受ける.したがって雨水移動の予測・制御は,劣化防止の観点から必要性が高い.しかし,建築物の外壁面における雨水流れを計測した事例は少なく,どのような材料・環境条件でどのような雨水の移動現象が生じるか明らかでない.このような実建築物データの不足は,実建築物の長期モニタリングが困難なことに起因する.そこで本研究では,築40年以上の建築物を対象として,雨水の移動現象を長期に観察・計測し,この観察・計測と室内実験を組み合わせて,鉄筋コンクリート部材表面での水滴の付着・流下,部材内部への吸水現象などを分析し,材料特性・環境情報と雨水の移動現象との対応の解明を目指した.Many of the deterioration phenomena is highly correlated to the rainwater transport phenomena. Therefore, prediction and control of the rainwater transport is one of the important factor in the building component de-signs. However, little has been known about the influence of materials and environmental factors on the rain-water transport. Such lack of information is mainly attributed to the difficulties in long-term monitoring of the existing buildings. Upon agreement with the building owners, this project conducts long-term monitoring of rainwater transport phenomena in the over-40-year-old existing buildings. With these rainwater and climatic monitoring data as well as indoor experimental results, this project investigates major material and climatic factors influencing the rainwater transport phenomena in reinforced concrete buildings.近年の農山村地域では過疎高齢化に伴う地域衰退が深刻化しており,今後も更なる衰退が予想される.この先10年は農山村地域を支える高齢者の多くが平均寿命を迎え,地域の存亡をかける転換期にあたることから,農山村地域では地域・生活の質の維持を可能とする政策提案が求められており,集約移転を含む地域再設計もその一つとして期待されている.本研究では,農山村における地域再設計が地域生活者に与える影響を多方面から評価することを目的として,「生活全般の消費エネルギー(環境性)」,「行政等の維持管理費用(経済性)」,「地域生活者の生活の質(利便性)」を対象として,現状再現に加えて,将来的に集落再編,または省エネルギー技術が進展した際の変化について検討を試みた.In recent years, rural areas have been declining due to depopulation and aging, and further decline is expected in the future. In the next 10 years, many of the elderly who support the rural areas will reach the average life expectancy, and since this will be a turning point for the survival of the area, there will be a demand for poli-cy proposals that will enable the maintenance of the community and the quality of life in the rural area. It is expected that regional redesign, including consolidation and relocation, will be one of them. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of regional redesign in rural areas on residents from various perspectives targeting “energy consumption in general life (environmental aspect)”, “administration and maintenance costs (economical aspect)”, and “quality of life (convenient aspect)”, in addition to reproducing the current situa-tion, changes in the future when reorganization of settlements or energy-saving technology progresses.藤本 郷史76Satoshi FUJIMOTO鳴海 大典77Daisuke NARUMI外壁面の箇所ごとに異なる経年変化をもたらす雨水移動現象の解明~築40年超の鉄筋コンクリート造建築物モニタリングに基づいて~(2019採択)Investigation of rainwater transport behaviour as a cause for deterioration of building walls - monitoring of reinforced concrete buildings over 40 years old - (Project 2019) 農山村地域の持続可能な居住区モデルならびにエネルギーシステムの在り方(2019採択)Study on the ideal way of sustainable residential model and energy system around betwixt mountainous areas(Project 2019)63Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)
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