yrammuS 要概recovery period of disasters, especially disaster volunteers and NPOs, people involved in local performing arts, and young people in the affected areas, and has made the research results widely available through pa-pers and report presentations both in Japan and abroad.持続可能な未来は,持続可能な社会を担うアクターの競争力なしでは実現できない.企業の活動は,連鎖(チェーン)になっており,個々の活動を管理することから視野を広げて全体の「流れ」を管理することが重要課題となっている.本研究は,資源循環型サプライチェーン,とりわけ鉄鋼産業の企業群が,これまでどのような経路でサステイナビリティと競争力を維持する努力を積み重ねてきたかについて,品質,コスト,納期といった産業現場の競争力の視点を用いつつ,歴史的および実証的な検討を加えうることを主たる目的とする.具体的には,持続可能な循環型社会の構築において,サプライチェーンマネジメントの視点を入れながら,資源循環型サプライチェーンの国際比較を行った.A sustainable future cannot be realized without the competitiveness of the actors responsible for a sustainable society. Corporate activities form a chain, and it has become an important issue to broaden the perspective from managing individual activities to managing the overall “flow”. This research examines how resource-re-cycling supply chains, especially those in the steel industry, have made efforts to maintain their sustainability and competitiveness. The main purpose of this research is to add historical and empirical examination while using the viewpoint of competitiveness. More concretely, an international comparison of resource-recycling supply chains was carried out while incorporating the perspective of supply chain management.本研究は,天然資源の管理を主な題材として中間集団の機能と可能性と,タイ,インドネシア,カンボジアの三か国で比較するというものである.実際にはコロナ禍の入国制限等によって現地調査は,カンボジアとタイの一部で補足的なものを行うことしかできなかったが,代わりに文献調査による中間集団の本格的な理論を組み立てることができ,その成果は単著書『争わない社会』(NHKブックス,2023年)に結実した.この本では,環境危機を含む現代資本主義の諸課題の根源に,個人の自立を軸にした価値観の浸透を見出し,個人化された人々であるがゆえに国家権力に絡めとられやすい存在になっているということである.The study explores the functions and potentials of intermediary organizations in the context of natural re-sources management by comparing the cases in Thailand, Indonesia, and Cambodia. Due to COVID-19, the plan to conduct fieldwork was extremely limited and only a partical data collection on the ground was per-formed. Instead, by making use of the literature, the project was able to develop some theories of intermedi-ary organizations which resulted in a single authored publication: Societies without Conflict (in Japanese from NHK Books, 2023). The book is criticism of the modern ethos that gives much emphasis on self-reli-ance of individuals which is vulnerable to the abuse of state power.辺 成祐84Sungwoo BYUN佐藤 仁85Jin SATO資源循環型サプライチェーンの競争力分析:日韓鉄鋼産業の比較を中心に(2021採択)Competitiveness analysis of resource-recycling supply chain: A comparative study of Japanese and Korean steel industries(Project 2021)天然資源の持続的管理における中間集団の機能と可能性 ―東南アジアの比較事例研究(2020採択)Functions and Potentials of Intermediary Organizations in the Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: A Comparative Study in Southeast Asia (Project 2020)67Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)
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