yrammuS 要概し,種を越えてミトコンドリアの遺伝子が浸透している可能性が示された.したがって,COI遺伝子からはズンドウメクラチビゴミムシの種の境界と生息地の境界を判断することはできなかった.原記載地に近い集団のCOI遺伝子配列から,有効集団サイズの推定を行なった.また,ズンドウメクラチビゴミムシの1個体に由来するゲノム配列情報から有効集団サイズの推定を行った.Although subterranean beetles have evolved unique features such as degenerated compound eyes, they are rarely seen by humans and their ecology and life history remain largely unknown. They live in the shallow subsurface layer below the soil layer, which is poor in organic matter and contains many voids, or in the ma-trix rock layer further down. The beetles with degenerated compound eyes belonging to the subfamily Trechi-nae are called “mekurachibigomimushi (which literally means blind small Carabid beetle)”, and they are highly differentiated by region. The distribution range of a particular species is extremely narrow. In this study, we investigated the distribution range of one of these species, Trechiama kuznetsovi. We estimated the degree of differentiation between regions by comparing the COI regions of mitochondrial DNA. Haplotypes of individuals collected at the original description site and those collected far away from it with different ex-ternal morphology matched, indicating the possibility of mitochondrial gene introgression across species. Therefore, COI genes could not be used to determine the species and habitat boundaries of Trechiama kuznetsovi. An estimate of effective population size was made from the COI gene sequence of a population close to the original site of description. We also estimated the effective population size from genome se-quence information derived from a single individual of Trechiama kuznetsovi.本研究の目的は,約100年前にアメリカから日本に侵入したセイタカアワダチソウと,その天敵(植食者)の2種の外来昆虫(セイタカアワダチソウヒゲナガアブラムシとアワダチソウグンバイ)を対象とし,セイタカアワダチソウが日本に侵入してから植食者に対して抵抗性を獲得してきた過程を解明することである.栽培実験の結果,(1)グンバイムシとアブラムシの食害はそれぞれジャスモン酸とサリチル酸の合成をセイタカアワダチソウ体内で誘導することと,(2)セイタカアワダチソウの化学形質(炭素,窒素,フェノール)は植食者の食害によって大きく変化することが明らかになった.さらに,構造方程式モデルを用いた解析の結果,(3)侵入地(大津)と原産地(フロリダ)のセイタカアワダチソウの個体群間で植物の化学形質に及ぼす食害誘導ホルモンの効果の大きさが異なる可能性が示された.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the process of which Solidago altissima goldenrods (which invaded Japan from the United States about 100 years ago) have acquired anti-herbivore resistance to two alien insects (aphids; Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum, and lace bugs; Corythucha marmorata). The present results show that (1) syntheses of jasmonic acid and salicylic acid were induced in the goldenrods injured by aphids and lace bugs, respectively, and (2) chemical traits (such as carbon, nitrogen and phenolics) of the goldenrods were dramati-cally altered by the herbivory of these insects. Furthermore, our structural equation modeling indicates that (3) the effect-size of herbivory-induced plant hormones (the jasmonic acid and salicylic acid) on the plant traits (carbon, nitrogen and phenolics) may differ between invasive (Otsu) and native (Florida) populations of the goldenrods.片山 昇92Noboru KATAYAMA侵略的外来植物が侵入地で抵抗性を獲得する過程:世代を超えた表現型可塑性と迅速な進化の検証(2021採択)Process of acquired resistance in invasive alien plants: tests for phenotype plasticity and rapid evolution across generations(Project 2021)71Rep. Grant. Res., Asahi Glass Foundation (2023)
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