
61Takashi IIDA62Ryoichi HORISAKI63Shouhei KIDERA64Hideaki SAKAI65Masayuki ICHINOSE66Takashi IKEJIRI67Takumi ITO68Kota KAWASAKI69Motoya KOGAInstitute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of TsukubaDepartment of Information Physics and Computing, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of TokyoGraduate School of Informatics and Engineering, University of Electro-CommunicationsDepartment of Physics, Osaka UniversityDepartment of Architecture and Building Engineering, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityDepartment of Architecture, Kindai UniversityDepartment of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Sojo UniversityDevelopment of new scintillation detector and particle identification method by unification materials science and machine learning (Project 2022)Assistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorDiffractive optics design for high-functional imaging (Project 2022)Innovative Complex Permittivity Imaging Technique for Microwave Mammography (Project 2021)Revealing novel transport phenomena associated with the spin-valley coupling in polar Dirac magnets (Project 2021)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorEffect of airtightness on the energy performance of office building in the tropics Asia (Project 2020)A study on spatial composition and its sustainability of post colonial cities in India A case study of George Town (Chennai, India) (Project 2020)Practical Research of Sustainable Architectural System Using Natural Resource of Rammed Earth and Steel Hybrid Structures (Project 2022)LecturerProfessorReview of Fukushima Revitalization Policies during the 10-year Reconstruction Period and Identification of Long-Term Issues for Revitalization of Fukushima after the Reconstruction Period (Project 2020)A development and operation of “A Support System for Disaster Prevention and Evacuation” for all of the regional inhabitants, learning from the Kumamoto earthquake and utilizing it for the Tokai earthquake (Project 2021)ProfessorAssociate Professor【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Research Grants for Sustainable Future, Proposed Research】【Research Grants for Sustainable Future, Developmental Research】17Architecture & Urban Engineering

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