
70Eiji SATOH71Mitsuhiro MIYAMOTO72Kazuya SAITO73Tomoko FUKUYAMA74Sochi NARAOKA75Takeshi MIYAWAKI76Yasunori SAITO77Shiina SUZUKI78Mari KOSAKA18Department of Architecture and Urban Design, School of Regional Design, Utsunomiya UniversityFaculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa UniversityFaculty of Design,Kyushu UniversityDepartment of Architecture and Urban Design, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan UniversityGraduate School of Law, Kyoto UniversityCollege of Risk Management, Nihon UniversityFaculty of Regional Studies, Tohoku Gakuin UniversityFaculty of Political Science and Economics, Seigakuin UniversityDepartment of Human Development, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai UniversityA study on the regional planning to realize stable community life continuity for the elderly with health issues by analyzing medical fee receipt data (Project 2022)ProfessorEvaluation of seismic performance and development of seismic reinforcement method for local traditional wooden houses (Project 2020)Development of environmental design methods for light, sound, and heat by using origami honeycomb cores (Project 2020)ProfessorAssociate ProfessorApplication of Electrical Impedance Tomography Method to Reinforced Concrete Structures (Project 2021)ProfessorHistorical Research on the Policiy of National Land Conservation and its Impact in Postwar Japan (Project 2018)ProfessorA study on the effects of the education for disaster reduction using shelter management game (HUG) (Project 2020)The support system for reconstructing disaster-affected agriculture and its communities: Referring to agriculture volunteers in the latter half of the 2010s (Project 2021)Legal Policy to Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Japan-Australia Agreement for protection of Migratory Bird (Project 2021)Associate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorThe role of SMEs in the implementation of the SDGs (Project 2021)Associate Professor【Continuation Grants for Young Researchers】【Continuation Grants for Outstanding Projects】【Research Encouragement Grants】【Research Grants for Sustainable Future, Proposed Research】Humanity & Social Sciences

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