112DaphawanKHAMCHA113Patipan SAE-LIM114Wanlop115116117Nuning 118Santi119Rukman HERTADI120Satria121Nurrohman 122Asep123EndraCHUTIPONGMuhammadYusufABUDHMade Tri Ari PeniaKRESNOWATINURAININOVANIBIJAKSANAWIJAYASAEPULOHGUNAWAN22Conservation Ecology Program, Pilot Plant Development and Training InstituteGraduate School of Management and InnovationConservation Ecology Group, Pilot Plant Development and Training InstituteDepartment of Biological Engineering, School of Life Sciences & TechnologyDepartment of Food Engineering, Faculty of Industrial TechnologyDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesDepartment of Management Science, School of Business and ManagementBiochemistry Research Division, Chemistry DepartmentDepartment of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringDepartment of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy DevelopmentDepartment of Geological Study Program, Faculty of Earth Sciences and TechnologyDepartment of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum EngineeringThe globally Endangered Giant Nuthatch (Sitta magna): breeding ecology, nest-site characteristics and the role of mature pine plantation, one of the key factors for its conservation (Project 2022)Are We Ready for Climate Change? The Maturity Level of Climate Change Risk Mitigation and Adaptation in Thai Industry (Project 2022)Population dynamic and survival of the threatened fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) in human dominated landscape (Project 2022)Researcher,Dr.Asst. Prof. Dr. Researcher,Dr.Synthesis of organic acid from corn stover using catalytic pyrolysis coupled with submerged fermentation (Project 2023)Quantitative Assement of Integrated Biorefinery of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches for The Realization of Circular Economy (Project 2023)Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Modeling Climate Impact on Dengue Map Early Warning (Project 2023)How Collaboration Promotes the Circular Economy using Service Science Lens: Combining Soft and Hard System Methodology (Case Study: Food and Beverage in Indonesia) (Project 2023)Application of Cobalt-Rhamnolipid Nanoparticles (Co-Rl NPs) as Pathogenic Antibacterial Agent(Project 2023)Characterization of Lithogenic and Anthropogenic Minerals on Surface Sediments of Lake Batur, Bali, Based on Magnetic and Geochemical Parameters (Project 2023)Assessing Ocean Renewable Energy Potential for Blue Economy Development in West Java Province, Indonesia (Project 2023)Mitigating the Effect of Volcanic Hazards to Environment Using Cloud System of LiCSBAS InSAR at Mt. Sinabung (Project 2023)Identifying the Slip Rate of Active Fault in Western Java from Newly Installed GNSS Network (Project 2023)Asst. Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Asst. Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asst. Prof. Dr. 【Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia)】
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