松本 有正極性結晶を利用した新規有機発光材料の開発15Arimasa MATSUMOTO高田 健司16Kenji TAKADA(2022採択)Development of novel organic light-emitting materials based on polar crystals(Project 2022)コーヒー酸をベースとした高タフネスポリアミド抗菌性接着剤の開発(2022採択)Synthesis of high toughness and antibacterial adhesive polyamides using caffeic acids(Project 2022)31Gels sonsisting of network polymers and ionic liquids are referred to as ionic gels, and much attension has been paid to ionic liquids. However, preparation procedure of ionic gels are complicated. In this study, we employed “polymerization-induced self-assembly” to prepare ionic gels, which be able to simplify the preparation procedure. That is, polymerization and crosslinking were performed in an ionic liquid to in situ synthesyze a block copolymer. This process is scientifically intriguing, as the process involves “polymerization”, “self-assmbly”, and “gelation”. Those three phenomena are quite important in the field of polymer science, which proceed simultaneously and cooperatively. In this work, we mon-itor this process to clarify the mechanisms of the PISA.本研究は結晶中での分子配列や配座の対称性によって現れる物性に着目し,分極した極性結晶とすることで圧力発光を示す有機発光材料の開発を目指した物である.有機発光分子として知られるアミノベゾフェノン誘導体を中心に様々に置換基を変化させた化合物群を合成しその結晶構造の解析および発光特性の調査を行うことで,キラルな結晶構造や極性結晶となるいくつかの誘導体が得られた.これらの誘導体のうち極性を持った結晶となる誘導体のうちのいくつかは,固体発光材料として高い発光量子収率をもち,また圧電効果をもった結晶となっており,粉砕時に肉眼で観測できるレベルの発光を示す材料になる事を見出した.In this study, we focused on the physical properties that emerge from the molecular arrangement and confor-mational symmetry in crystals, and aimed to develop organic luminescent materials that show pressure lumi-nescence by polarized crystals. By analyzing the crystal structures and the luminescence property of samin-obezophenone derivatives with various substituents, which are known as organic luminescent molecules, we have obtained several derivatives that form chiral crystal structures and polar crystals. Some of these deriva-tives have high quantum yields as solid-state luminescent materials and crystals with piezoelectric effect, and we have found that they become materials with visually observable luminescence on grinding.カテコールを有した高分子は,接着材料や,ポリフェノール由来の抗酸化作用,抗菌,抗ウイルス性などの多彩な機能を発揮するため機能材料の官能基として有望である.本研究ではコーヒー酸を二量化させジカルボン酸とし,各種ジアミンとの重合により,抗菌・抗ウイルス性を有した接着性の強靭な(高タフネス)ポリアミドを開発することを目的とした.強度に優れた接着剤を得るためにコーヒー酸が桂皮酸誘導体であることに着目し,我々が独自に有する桂皮酸の光二量化反応技術を以て,カテコールを側鎖に有したポリアミドを設計・合成した.得られたポリアミドは強靭性を有しつつも,様々な基板への接着性を発揮したことから高タフネス接着剤の分子設計を確立するに至った.Catechol-contained Polymers are promising as functional groups for adhesive materials and functional mate-
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