
38有馬 彰秀29Akihide ARIMA川﨑 俊輔30Shunsuke KAWASAKIナノバイオデバイスを用いた1細胞におけるイオン輸送能の包括的分析(2022採択)Comprehensive investigation of ionic transport properties at a single-cell level using nanobiodevices(Project 2022)RNAを基盤とした汎用的な分子検出システムの創製(2022採択)Development of a versatile molecular detection system with RNA(Project 2022)ed polymers to promote the cytoplasmic transfer of antibodies. We found that antibody-loaded complexes were formed by mixing the synthesized polyphenol-conjugated polymers and metal ions with antibodies, and these complexes improved the cytoplasmic transfer of antibodies in in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the sys-temically administrated complex containing cancer therapeutic antibody exhibited the suppression of cancer growth compared with the systemically administrated therapeutic antibody alone. These results indicate that this antibody complex has potential as a new therapeutic molecule.細胞のイオン輸送能は,機能と密接に関係していることから高い注目を集めている.しかし,従来の手法には侵襲性や空間分解能に課題があり,1細胞の包括的な評価が可能な新規手法の創出が求められている.そこで本研究では,微細加工技術によって作製したマイクロポアを用いた1粒子検出技術を利用し,ポアを流れるイオン電流を指標とした1細胞の評価を目指した.その結果,マイクロポアに1細胞を捕捉した際のイオン電流変化から,複数のイオンチャネルの評価が可能であることが示され,非染色・非破壊での新規1細胞評価法の展望が拓かれた.The ion transport capability of cells attracts significant attention due to its close relationship with cellular function. However, conventional techniques have issues with invasiveness and limited spatial resolution, and the development of novel methods that enable comprehensive evaluation of live cells at a single-particle level is needed. In this study, we investigated single cells using ionic current flowing through a micropore. As a re-sult, it was demonstrated that the activities of multiple ion channels could be assessed based on the shift in ionic current when a single cell was captured in a micropore. The present findings open up prospects for a novel evaluation method of single cells in a non-staining and non-destructive manner.生物由来分子や環境汚染物質などの特定の物質を検出する技術は,病状診断や地球環境保全において極めて重要である.近年,非常に優れた機能カスタマイズ性とデザイン容易性を兼ね備えた生体分子であるRNAを用いて,開発と利用が簡便なバイオセンサーを作出する試みが国内外で行われている.しかしながら,一元的な原理によって駆動するRNAベースのバイオセンサーを簡便に開発することは未だ挑戦的である.そこで,本研究では,RNAによる「一元的な駆動原理を用いて多様な分子が検出可能なバイオセンサーの新プラットフォームを開発する」ことを目的とする.さらに,望んだ分子を検出できるバイオセンサーを創出可能なハイスループット分子進化技術の確立を目指す.Technologies for detecting specific substances such as biomolecules and environmental pollutants are ex-tremely important in diagnosing diseases and preserving the global environment. In recent years, there have been many efforts to make easily deployable biosensors using RNA, a biomolecule known for its excellent functional customizability and design simplicity. However, developing RNA-based biosensors that operate on

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