40岡本 昌憲33Masanori OKAMOTO上川 泰直34Yasunao KAMIKAWAコムギにおけるアブシシン酸とサリチル酸の協調作用の分子機構の解明(2022採択)Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of co-operative action between abscisic acid and salicylic acid in wheat(Project 2022)核膜と小胞体の相互作用から迫る核膜恒常性維持機構の解明(2022採択)Regulation of the integrity of the nuclear envelope mediated by its interaction with the endoplasmic reticulum(Project 2022)Infectious diseases can easily spread in current society, where community mobility has become more active. In particular, the global spread of drug-resistant bacteria has become a medical problem, and it is estimated that the number of deaths due to drug-resistant bacteria will increase significantly by 2050. Since the risk of sequelae and death increases dramatically when infections become severe, early detection of severe infections is the key to treatment. From previous studies, we have found that the inflammasome response, an innate in-flammatory system, makes infections more severe. In this study, we investigated the activation mechanism of the inflammasomes and identified several kinases involved in the inflammasome response. These are expect-ed to become not only new therapeutic targets but also biomarkers of infection severity.乾燥ストレスに関わる植物ホルモンのアブシシン酸(ABA)と病害抵抗性に関わるサリチル酸(SA)は互いがトレードオフの関係にあるとされている.そのため,耐乾性と病害抵抗性の双方を向上させた画期的な作物育種は困難とされてきた.つまり,耐乾性と病害抵抗性を共に向上させた作物が開発できれば,近年の振れ幅の大きい環境に対しても柔軟に適応でき,作物の生産性低下を抑えることができる.ABA受容体を過剰発現したコムギは耐乾性の形質を獲得し,さらにはSAが高蓄積することで病害抵抗性が向上していることを見出した.そこで,本研究ではコムギABA受容体がどのようにしてSAの過剰蓄積をもたらしているのかを分子レベルで解析を行った.その結果,コムギABA受容体はABAシグナルとは独立的にSA生合成を制御する転写因子SARD1を介して,SA生合成を正に制御している事が明らかになった.The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) are involved in drought stress and disease re-sistance respectively, and they are considered to have a trade-off relationship with each other. Therefore, it has been difficult to develop innovative crop breeding that improves both drought tolerance and disease re-sistance. In other words, if crops with improved drought tolerance and disease resistance can be developed, they could adapt flexibly to climate changes and mitigate the decrease in crop productivity. We found that wheat overexpressing ABA receptors acquired drought tolerance and also had improved disease resistance due to high accumulation of SA. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed at the molecular level how wheat ABA receptors regulate SA biosynthesis. As the result, it was revealed that wheat ABA receptors positively control SA biosynthesis independently of the ABA signal, and this control is mediated through the transcription fac-tor SARD1, which is positive regulator for SA biosynthesis.真核生物の核膜はゲノムDNAを細胞質から隔離し保護している.近年,様々なストレスにより核膜が部分的な崩壊を繰り返すことが明らかとなっている.核膜損傷の長期化により様々な細胞の機能障害が惹起されるが,多くの場合損傷部位が速やかに修復されることで核膜の恒常性が維持されると考えられる.これまでにいくつかのタンパク質が核膜修復に関与する因子として報告されいてるが核膜修復を担
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