緒明 佑哉50Yuya OAKI大場 雄介51Yusuke OHBA層状共役高分子の柔軟性制御による多様な力学的刺激の可視・定量化(2021採択)Visualization and Quantification of Mechanical Stimuli by Flexibility Control of Layered Conjugated Polymers(Project 2021)サイズや形状の異なるウイルス粒子と相互作用した際に見られる細胞膜動態の多様性(2020採択)Diversity of cell membrane dynamics upon interaction with viral particles with different sizes and morphologies(Project 2020)49spatial patterns formed in both micro and macro scales at dry interfaces are strongly similar to the geometri-cal structuring that actual living organisms exhibit in non-equilibrium conditions. They are exactly the dissi-pative structures of viscous fluids. A spatiotemporal understanding of this phenomenon can be expected not only to serve as a new basis for the design of soft materials, but also to elucidate the geometries of biological organisms according to natural laws.本研究では,層状構造をもつ共役高分子である層状ポリジアセチレン(PDA)の刺激応答性色変化を活用し,「引張・圧縮・まさつ」などの多様な力学的刺激の「印加・蓄積量」や「強さ」を,可視化および比色定量化する材料・デバイスの構築を行った.層間にはたらく相互作用,層状構造の柔軟性,カスケード型の応答性などの材料設計を組み合わせることで,力学的刺激の種類や強さに対する応答性を制御した材料・デバイスの作製が可能となった.特に,これまでの材料では実現しにくい,比較的弱い圧縮・まさつ力を可視・定量化することができた.さらに,得られたデバイスを,臨床分野で求められている力のセンシングへ応用した.This project focuses on stimuli-responsive color-change properties of the layered polydiacetylene (PDA), a conjugated polymer with the layered structure. Strength and accumulated amount of the mechanical stresses were visualized and quantified using the designed materials and devices. The responsivity, such as strength and range of the mechanical stresses, was controlled by the designed interlayer interaction, flexibility of the layered structures, and combination with the other stimuli-responsive materials. In particular, the weak com-pression and frictional stresses were visualized and quantified using the devices. Moreover, the device was applied to mechano-sensing in the field of clinical medicine.高速原子間力顕微鏡 atomic force microscopy, AFMと蛍光バイオイメージングを組み合わせたハイブリッドイメージングシステム,すなわち蛍光―原子間力相関イメージング顕微鏡 correlative light and atomic force microscopy, CLAMを用いて,インフルエンザウイルス感染の超初期過程をイメージングする.様々なサイズや形状のウイルス粒子に対する細胞膜の多様な動態を観察し,その違いを明らかにする.また,特に自然界のインフルエンザウイルス粒子のような,糸状で細長く大きなウイルス粒子に対して,細胞膜がどのような膜動態を示して取り込みに至るかを明らかにする.The early stages of influenza virus infection will be visualized by recruiting a hybrid imaging system com-bining high-speed atomic force microscopy (AFM) and fluorescence bioimaging (correlative light and atomic force microscopy, CLAM). The diverse dynamics of cell membranes in response to viral particles of various sizes and shapes will be observed and differentiated. In addition, we will clarify how the cell membrane ex-hibits dynamic movement, which leads to the entry of virus particles, particularly those of filamentous, elon-gated shape, which is known to be enriched in the naturally occurring influenza virus particles.
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