54鈴木 雅視59Masashi SUZUKI斉藤 光60Hikaru SAITO「高周波動作・広帯域幅・高耐電力」を両立する巨大圧電性分極反転構造AlN系薄膜を用いた次世代弾性波フィルタの開発(2022採択)Developments of large piezoelectric and polarity-inverted AlN-based film bulk acoustic wave filters with high-frequency, wide-bandwidth, and high-power handling capability for future mobile communications (Project 2022)非対称プラズモン導波路による光と物質のスピン選択相互作用の増強(2022採択)Enhancement of spin-selective light-matter interaction by an asymmetric plasmonic waveguide(Project 2022)grates data storage, computation, and analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion into a single memory cell. With this structure, we achieved the computational accuracy necessary for Transformer processing for the first time in an analog CIM, while realizing a very high power efficiency of 818 TOPS (trillion operations per second) per watt of power consumption. Furthermore, when performing convolutional neural network (CNN) pro-cessing, we achieved 4094 TOPS/W, which is 10 times more energy efficient than conventional technolo-gies with equivalent computational accuracy. This research contributes to the development of AI hardware that is efficient in terms of both power efficiency and processing speed in the fields of edge computing and AI, and in the future, it is expected that more people will be able to easily utilize AI services such as large language models (LLM).次世代通信システムに対応できる周波数フィルタ応用に向け,薄膜バルク波(BAW)共振子には5GHz以上の高周波動作が要求されている.AlN単層膜を用いた従来構造においてこの要求を実現するためには膜厚を数100nmまで薄膜化する必要があり,機械的・電気的強度,共振特性の劣化が予想される.筆者は「分極反転構造」をAlN膜に導入した高次モードBAW共振子が実現できれば,デバイス体積を維持しつつ,高周波動作と良好な共振特性が両立できると考えた.本研究では,Si(Ge)AlN膜とAlN膜の積層により分極反転構造の形成,高次モードでの共振を達成した.また,分極反転構造での疑似的な高音響インピーダンス化がAlN膜へのBAWエネルギー集中を増大させ,帯域幅が改善できることを理論的,実験的に実証した.Film bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators are required to operate at high frequency of more than 5 GHz for applications to next-generation communication frequency filters. However, to realize this requirement, very thin AlN film thickness of less than several hundred nanometers is need, which causes the degradation of me-chanical and electrical strength and resonance characteristics.We believe that high overtone mode BAW reso-nators with polarization inverted AlN films can have high frequency operation and good resonance character-istics, while maintaining the device volume. In this study, the polarization inverted structures could be fabricated by alternately growing AlN layer and Si(Ge)AlN layer. The BAW resonators with the polarization inverted films operated in the high overtone mode resonances. Moreover, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrated that the quasi-increase in acoustic impedance due to the polarization inverted structure leads to an increase in the BAW energy concentration to the AlN film and an improvement of the bandwidth.スピン運動量ロッキングにより,外部円偏光を特定の端子へ導く光スピンソーティングが可能なナノ構造デバイスの実現を目指した.金属−絶縁体−金属構造を有する金属ナノディスク配列により,表面プラズモンのバンド分散の制御が可能である.このプラズモニック結晶中に導入された導波路を利用することで,励起源のスピンの向きに応じて表面プラズモンの伝播方向が切り替わるナノ構造デバイスが
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