
宮本 慎宏71Mitsuhiro MIYAMOTO齋藤 一哉72Kazuya SAITO地域性を有する伝統構法木造建物の耐震性能評価および耐震改修工法の開発(2020採択)Evaluation of seismic performance and development of seismic reinforcement method for local traditional wooden houses(Project 2020)折紙工法ハニカムコアによる光・熱・音の環境デザイン手法の開発(2020採択)Development of environmental design methods for light, sound, and heat by using origami honeycomb cores(Project 2020)61少子高齢化や地方人口減少の影響を受け,空き家となった伝統構法の木造建物の数は増加しており,今後は構造安全性を確保したうえで住宅以外の用途に変更して活用することが求められている.本研究では,地域性を有する伝統構法の木造建物の耐震性能評価および耐震改修工法の開発を目的とする.まず,伝統構法の木造建物に多数見られる開口部を有する土塗壁の耐震性能評価法を検討した.次に,建物のモデル化手法や通し柱が伝統構法の木造建物の耐震性能に及ぼす影響を把握した.最後に,伝統構法の木造建物の耐震改修工法として,土塗壁の耐震性能に大きく影響を及ぼす壁土の強度を安定的に向上させる手法を開発した.The number of vacant traditional wooden buildings is increasing due to the declining birthrate, aging popula-tion, and decrease in the local population. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance and to develop seismic retrofitting methods for traditional wooden buildings with regional characteristics. First, a method for evaluating the seismic performance of mud walls with openings, which are often found in traditional wooden buildings, was studied. Next, the effects of building modeling methods and continuous columns on the seismic performance of traditional wooden buildings were investigated. Finally, we devel-oped a method to improve the strength of the wall clay, which greatly affects the seismic performance of mud walls, as a seismic retrofitting method for traditional wooden buildings.本研究は持続可能な都市・建築の構築に不可欠な環境制御をハニカム構造の機能特性を最大限に活用した種々の建材・構造の開発によって実現するものである.折紙工法は目的の仕様・形状からあらかじめ設計した展開図を基にシートにスリット・折線を導入し,折紙のように立体化する新しいハニカム製造法で,曲面パネルやセルに角度をつけた形状など,従来手法では不可能だった様々な形状のハニカム構造を安価に製造することが可能である.助成期間においては,ガラスやETFEフィルムなどの透明な表面材を貼った斜角型ハニカムパネルを開発し,パーティションを初めとする建材に応用するとともに,数値シミュレーションによって昼光利用,日射制御技術について研究した.This research aims to develop environmental the control technology, which is essential for building sustaina-ble cities and buildings, by developing various building materials and structures that take full advantage of the functional characteristics of honeycomb structures. The origami production method is a new honeycomb man-ufacturing method that introduces slits and fold lines into the sheet based on a crease pattern designed in ad-vance based on the desired specifications and shape, creating a three-dimensional shape similar to origami. It is possible to manufacture honeycomb structures of various shapes at low cost, which was not possible using conventional methods. During the grant period, we developed oblique honeycomb panels covered with trans-parent surface materials such as glass and ETFE film and apply them to building materials such as partitions, as well as research daylight utilization and solar radiation control technology through numerical simulations.

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