64鈴木詩衣菜77Shiina SUZUKI小坂 真理SDGs実施における中小企業の役割78Mari KOSAKA日豪渡り鳥保護協定の実効性確保に向けた法政策(2021採択)Legal Policy to Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Japan- Australia Agreement for protection of Migratory Bird(Project 2021)(2021採択)The role of SMEs in the implementation of the SDGs(Project 2021)cial welfare. However, the restoration and reconstruction of rural communities, central to village-type disas-ters, present a unique challenge that intertwines with economic livelihood support. Unfortunately, this aspect often gets overlooked within the framework of disaster volunteer centers primarily focused on general life support. Through interviews and surveys, this study seeks to explore how agricultural cooperatives in affected areas developed a framework for “agricultural volunteers” to aid in the restoration of damaged farmland. Ex-amples from the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016, the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster in 2017, the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in 2018, and Typhoon Hagibis in 2019, will be used for this investiga-tion. Voluntary support for farmers affected by gaps in public programs will be of great significance in the re-construction of agriculture and rural communities.企業は,サステナビリティ関連の課題を解決するための行動だけでなく,解決につながる政策やルールの設定にも影響を及ぼしている.しかし,その研究対象となるのは大企業であることが多い.そのため本研究では,日本の中小企業がSDGsであげられているようなサステナビリティ課題の政策に関与することはできるのか,もしそうであればどのように関与しているかについて,政治参加のアプローチを用いて明らかにすることを目的とした.Businesses are recognized as being among the key actors in addressing sustainability issues, not only influ-湿地保全に関するラムサール条約が採択されて約50年が経過し,日豪間を飛来する渡り鳥に関する二国間の取り決めである日豪渡り鳥保護協定が発効されてから約40年が経過した.しかし現在も,渡り鳥の保護は断片化したままであり,渡り鳥の生息地である湿地の減少や劣化に歯止めがかかっていない.このような現状は,日豪渡り鳥保護協定で定められている内容に対して,日豪間の学術的,技術的,社会的な連関が十分でなく,情報共有の欠如が原因のひとつと考えられる.そのため同協定の実効性確保のために,本研究は,主に国際環境法の観点から,特に日豪の姉妹湿地を手掛かりに,渡り鳥の保護に関わる法的課題を明らかにし,今後の日豪両国の渡り鳥保護と湿地保全の法政策を検討した.Almost 50 years have passed since the Ramsar Convention on Wetland Conservation was adopted, and about 40 years have passed since the Japan-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement, a bilateral agreement on migrato-ry birds flying between the two countries, came into effect. However, even today, the protection of migratory birds remains fragmented and the decline and degradation of wetlands, which are habitats for migratory birds, has not been halted. This situation can be attributed in part to the lack of academic, technical, and social link-ages and information sharing between Australia and Japan regarding the provisions of the Australia-Japan Migratory Bird Conservation Agreement. To ensure the effectiveness of the Agreement, this study clarified legal issues related to the protection of migratory birds from the perspective of mainly from international en-vironmental law, particularly focuses on sister wetlands in Japan and Australia, to examine future legal poli-cies for the protection of migratory birds and wetland conservation in Australia and Japan.
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