
66中本 裕哉81Yuya NAKAMOTO田畑 智博82Tomohiro TABATA気象条件の不確実性を考慮した太陽光発電所の発電効率性分析(2022採択)Evaluating electricity generation activities of photovoltaic power plants considering uncertain parameters(Project 2022)エシカル消費・関係人口の視点からみたふるさと納税の効果検証と制度の再定義(2023採択)Verification of the Effectiveness of Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) Program from the Perspective of Ethical Consumption and Relationship Population and Redefinition of the Program (Project 2023)the U.S. and Europe, the “right to repair” has led to efforts to extend the service life of electrical appliances and other products. This study therefore investigates the legal policies in the U.S. and EU and examines whether intellectual property rights should be restricted by the “Right to Repair.” As a tentative conclusion, we found that there is little need to adopt an interpretive or legislative theory that comprehensively makes re-pair legal in intellectual property law. In the United States and EU, the “right to repair” is currently focused on the grant of access to repair parts as an ex ante regulation, and does not extend to the limitation of IPRs.本研究では,事業用太陽光発電所から得られる4つの入力(日射量,気温,モジュール数,発電容量)と1つの出力(発電電力量)を含む月次の投入産出データを活用し,データ包絡分析を用いて,発電効率の要因を特定した.結果から,発電所の非効率性は主に季節的要因と技術的要因に起因することが明らかになった.これらの要因は,発電所が稼動してしまうとコントロールすることが困難であるため,気象データや地理的データを考慮して発電所の最適な立地を選択することが重要である.Utilizing monthly input and output data, including four inputs (solar irradiation, temperature, number of mod-ules, and photovoltaic (PV) array rated capacity) and one output (electricity generation) from utility-scale PV power plants, data envelopment analysis was employed in this study to identify factors contributing to power generation inefficiency. The results showed that the inefficiency of power generation during the study period was mainly due to seasonal and technical factors. Since these factors are difficult to control once a power plant is in operation, it is important to select an optimal site for power plants by considering meteorological and geographical data.本研究は,ふるさと納税がエシカル消費と関係人口に果たす効果を明らかにすることを目的とする.東京都特別区居住者1,550人に対して,ふるさと納税の実施,寄付目的,寄付後の自治体との関わり等を尋ねるためのWebアンケート調査を行った.主な結果として,節税を目的とする回答者は,返礼品受け取り後の満足度は高いものの,その後,急速に満足度が低くなった.ふるさと・共感・社会貢献を目的とする回答者は,返礼品受け取り直後よりも,ふるさと納税後に寄付先自治体に対して何らかの行動を行った後になった方が,満足度が高くなった.返礼品の満足度を上げるよりも,その後の関係性が生まれるような取り組みに力を入れる方が有効であることを示した.This study aims to clarify the effects of Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) on Ethical consumption and Rela-tionship population. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted with 1,550 residents in 23 wards of Tokyo to inquire about executing Furusato Nozei, the purpose of the donation, and their relationship with the municipality after the donation. The result showed that respondents who intended to save taxes were highly satisfied after receiving tax returns but became less satisfied. Respondents who intended to contribute to their

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