江口 克之87Katsuyuki EGUCHI平尾 聡秀88Toshihide HIRAO生物多様性ホットスポットであるベトナムにおける土壌動物の多様性の解明(2017採択)Revealing diversity of soil animals in Vietnam, a biodiversity hotspot(Project 2017)植生衰退に伴う土壌微生物叢の変化が土壌レガシー効果を引き起こすメカニズムの解明(2021採択)Elucidation of the mechanism by which changes in soil microbiomes associated with a vegetation decline cause soil legacy effects(Project 2021)69Despite the urgent need to realize a decarbonized society by 2050, the diffusion of renewable energy genera-tion has been slow in Japan. Under the liberalization of the electric power industry, consumers can now choose to use electricity generated from renewable energy sources, but this has not been fully embraced by consumers. In Germany, on the other hand, the introduction of renewable energy is progressing and consum-ers are choosing electricity from renewable energy sources. Therefore, through a comparison between Japan and Germany, this study examined measures to promote the diffusion of renewable energy in Japan from the perspective of both the demand and supply sides of renewable energy. Specifically, we studied Japanese con-sumers' choice of renewable electricity through a choice-type experiment. In particular, the role of social norms was examined. We also analyzed the delay in the diffusion of renewable energy in Japan, especially wind power, focusing on the environmental assessment that leads to the delay of the project. In addition, we conducted interviews with an electric power company in Germany and obtained hints for Japan.土壌動物は機械的分解者,生態系エンジニアとして陸上生態系において欠くことのできない存在であるが,生物多様性のホットスポットであるベトナムでは,その種多様性の全貌はほとんど明らかになっていない.本研究では,日本とベトナムの研究者の連携のもと,土壌動物を対象生物群,生物多様性のホットスポットであるベトナム北部から中部に広がる山岳地帯を対象地域として,① 種相の解明,② 種多様性の創出メカニズムの解明を行う.さらにベトナムとの共同研究を通じて,③ インベントリー,分類学,系統地理学,集団遺伝学,生態学的研究を自力で行うことができ,自国の生物多様性の保全に関して適切な提言ができるベトナム人若手研究者を育成する.Soil animals are indispensable in terrestrial ecosystems as mechanical decomposers and ecosystem engineers. However, in Vietnam, a biodiversity hotspot, the full extent of their species diversity is largely unknown. In this study, Japanese and Vietnamese researchers will collaborate to (1) elucidate the species fauna and (2) elu-cidate the mechanisms of species diversity formation, using soil animals as the target organism group and the mountainous areas from northern to central Vietnam, which are biodiversity hotspots. Furthermore, through joint research with Vietnam, we will train young Vietnamese researchers who can conduct (3) inventory, and taxonomic, phylogeographical, population genetic and ecological research on their own, and who can make appropriate recommendations regarding the conservation of biodiversity in their own country.本研究では,シカによる植生衰退が土壌機能の改変を通じて,樹木実生の生育に影響を及ぼす土壌レガシー効果のメカニズムを明らかにするために,森林植生と土壌の相互作用を分析した.その結果,植生衰退に伴う土壌中の養分動態の変化が土壌微生物の活性と機能を変化させ,次世代の樹木実生の成長に履歴効果として作用すること,また樹木実生の機能グループ間で応答が異なることが明らかになった.本研究から,森林の植生衰退は,土壌微生物機能の変化によって実生更新を阻害するに留まらず,植生
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