Construction of biodiversity database, ex situ conservation, and evaluation of species rarity and conservation value on freshwater macroalgal species, which include many endangered species (Project 2021)坂山 英俊94Hidetoshi SAKAYAMA坪田 敏男95Toshio TSUBOTA絶滅危惧種を多く含む大型淡水藻類の多様性情報データベース構築・域外保全と希少性・保全価値評価(2021採択)アジアの生物多様性ホットスポット地域において新たな人獣共通感染症の発生を予測する(2021採択)Prospecting outbreaks of emerging zoonotic diseases in the biodiversity hotspots of Asia(Project 2021)73cline of Marimo was caused by the influx of muddy water associated with deforestation in the watershed and water level fluctuations caused by power generation intake that occurred in the early 1900s, rather than eu-trophication that occurred in this lake after 1950.本研究では,2021年〜2023年の西日本を中心とした野外調査により大型淡水藻類(シャジクモ類,ホシミドロ類,スミレモ類など)を,合計471集団/サンプル収集した.その中には多くの絶滅危惧種が含まれており,いくつかの種において日本における新産地を確認することができた.また,新種や日本新産種を発見することができた.さらに,標本および単藻培養に成功したサンプルからDNAバーコード(葉緑体コードのrbcL遺伝子など)を取得し,種レベルの同定のためのDNAバーコード参照データベースを構築した.本研究で確立した大型淡水藻類の多様性情報基盤とバイオリソースは域外保全や淡水生態系保全の環境政策へ貢献することが期待される.In this study, we collected 471 specimens of freshwater macroalgal species that mainly composed of charoph-ycean, zygnematophycean and trentepohlialean algae, during our field surveys, which was conducted from 2021 to 2023. These specimens included many endangered species of freshwater macroalgae. We also iden-tified new localities of some endangered species and discovered some new species in Japan. In addition, we determined the DNA sequences of some DNA barcoding regions (e.g., chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene) of spec-imens and cultured materials collected in this study to establish a DNA barcoding reference database for spe-cies-level identification in freshwater macroalgae. These DNA barcoding datasets and bioresources of fresh-water macroalgae established in this study are expected to contribute to environmental policies for ex-situ conservation of endangered species as well as conservation of freshwater ecosystems in Japan.近年,エボラ出血熱,新型インフルエンザ,デング熱,SARS・MARSなど新興・再興感染症が世界規模でみられている.その多くは,元来野生動物が自然宿主として保有していた病原体が,土地開発や森林伐採,さらに商取引など人間活動の拡大によって人や家畜に広まったものである.本研究の目的・目標は,アジアの生物多様性ホットスポット地域において新興・再興人獣共通感染症の実態を把握し,将来の発生を予測することであった.マレーシア・サラワク州における野生ネズミ類でのマダニ媒介性感染症,北海道におけるヒグマおよびシカでのマダニ媒介性感染症ならびにネパールにおけるアジアゾウでの結核感染症について研究を進めた.In recent years, emerging and re-emerging infectious deseases such as Ebora, H1N1 influenza, dengue fever, SARS and MARS have been observed on a global scale. Many of these pathogens, which were originally car-ried by wild animals as natural hosts, have spread to humans and livestock due to the expansion of human activities such as land development, deforestation and commercial trade. The aim of this study was to under-
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