
三谷 曜子96Yoko MITANI97Pattarin TANGTANATAKUL海中林における高次捕食者,ラッコとヒトは共存できるか:ラッコが沿岸生態系に与える影響(2021採択)Can humans coexist with sea otters, a top predator in the underwater forest: The impact of sea otters on coastal ecosystems(Project 2022)STAT4 regulatory pathway in type I interferon inducible monocyte-derived dendritic cells: an autoimmune disease model(Project 2021)stand the actual situation of emerging and re-emerging zoonoses in Asian biodiversity hotspot areas and to predict future outbreaks. Studies were conducted on tick-borne infections in wild rodents in Sarawak, Malay-sia, tick-borne infections in brown bears and deer in Hokkaido, Japan, and tuberculosis infections in Asian elephants in Nepal.様々な生態系サービスを提供する場である海中林は,高次捕食者であるラッコの餌を供給する場所,あるいは休息場所としても重要である.本研究では,ラッコとヒトの持続可能な沿岸生態系の利用を目指すモニタリングシステムを確立するために,ラッコを指標とした海中林におけるエネルギーバランスの定量化を目的とした.ドローンにより海藻が海面まで繁茂する場所(キャノピー)の分布を明らかにした結果,初夏から秋にかけてキャノピー範囲が少なくなっていた.ラッコはキャノピー内で休息する傾向が見られたことから,休息場所として重要であることが考えられた.また,調査海域では2021年秋に起きた赤潮が,2022年のウニの個体数およびラッコの採餌生態に大きな影響を与えたこと,2023年には赤潮前の状態へと復調にあることを明らかにした.Underwater forests provide a variety of ecosystem services and are important as a food source and resting place for sea otters, which are top predators. This study aimed to quantify the energy balance in the underwa-ter forest using sea otters as an indicator in order to establish a monitoring system for sustainable use of coastal ecosystems by sea otters and humans. The results of drone surveys of the seaweed forest canopy re-vealed that the canopy area decreased from early summer to autumn. Sea otters tended to rest in the canopy, suggesting that the canopy is important as a resting area. In addition, we found that the red tide that occurred in the fall of 2021 had a significant impact on the sea urchin population and sea otter foraging ecology in the study area in 2022, and that the area was recovering to its pre-red tide state in 2023.Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) polymorphisms are linked to autoimmune diseases. While STAT4 primarily promotes interferon (IFN-γ) production in T lymphocytes and NK cells, its role in dendritic cells (DCs) is less understood. To investigate STAT4 expression and function in human DCs, peripheral DCs were isolated from the blood of healthy donors (n = 8). This ex vivo DCs was sorted into plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs, CD123+), CD8+ T-cell priming DCs (cDC1, CLEC9A+), and CD4+ T-cell priming DCs (cDC2, CD1c+) using magnetic bead negative selection and flow cytometry. STAT4 gene and protein expression were examined in IFN-β induced DC maturation and immature DCs via Real-Time PCR and Western Blotting. STAT4 was significantly higher in mature cDC2 compared to immature cDC2 (p < 0.01). Lisofylline, an IL-12 inhibitor, failed to inhibit phosphorylated STAT4 in PBMCs. Preliminary ChIP-Seq analysis indicated high-quality STAT4-regulated genes, necessitating further investigation.74

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